January Edition: My thoughts on…resolutions
Make Them!
Happy New Year! Can you believe we made it through 2020? Seriously, what was that?! As we move into a new year, we tend to be full of hopes and dreams. We are ready to finally do that big thing we’ve been talking about for forever, or lose those last ten pounds, or drink more water!
We start the year by stating our “New Year’s Resolutions” and going hard in the paint with them for a solid 4-6 weeks. Then, we are over it, and we give up. I think we are all probably guilty of this to some degree, I know I am! I’ve been actively resolving to get hydrated for about five years now.
The definition of resolution is “a firm decision to do or not do something.” FIRM. For most of us, it’s more of a soft idea that we might do something for a bit! You might already know that I think goal setting is super important. I think we should always be moving forward, and I will stand by that statement forever! I encourage you to make your resolutions and stick to them! I want you to give it your all, and, if you aren’t hydrated by the end of January guess what, there’s always February!
Try not to look at the end goal and look at what’s right in front of you today, tomorrow, this week, and make the best of that time at that moment. We should all know where we want to go, but sometimes we forget about the steps it takes to get there. Write down your resolution, or your big goal at the bottom of a piece of paper, then go back to the top and start listing all the little things you need to do to get there. Those are the things that make each day a step forward, each day a victory!
Please keep those New Year hopes and dreams alive, they are what will get us through another unpredictable year!