Book Review - Daring Greatly by Brene Brown


This was actually the first Brene Brown book I read, apparently I’m not worried about reading things in order. I learned so much about myself, about others, and really just about the world by reading this book. I kept telling people, “I feel like she has just been to the other side, has all the answers, and knows how we are all supposed to act!” Being vulnerable is what this book is all about, it’s daring because it’s terrifying, which is something I’ve always struggled with. I would rather have a thousand walls up to keep me from getting hurt or feeling too much. Vulnerability is the key to life. It shapes us in every way, and after reading this book and applying it to my life as much as I can (it’s still a daily challenge for me) I know that it’s the way I want to live. Putting myself out there, taking risks, saying the things, to get to where I ultimately want to be! READ IT!! 

- Ashley G


Book Review - The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow


Monthly Fitness Challenge - June