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Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas

Book Review - No Exit by Taylor Adams

“This is a thriller that will leave you on the edge of your seat! The story follows a college-aged woman who is traveling to visit her sick mother. She gets caught in a snowstorm and is forced to stop at a rest station for the night. She is greeted by four strangers, and while searching for cell service, finds a kidnapped child locked in one of the vehicles. The story picks up as she tries to decipher who the kidnapper of the group is, and who else could be in harm’s way. This is a quick and easy read that you won't put down!”

-Angela G

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Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas

Book Review - Her Fearful Symmetry by Audrey Niffenegger

“So, this book was slow for me in the beginning. It’s about a set of twins that are learning to be on their own. Their mother is also a twin. After their Aunt passes away in London they receive an envelope with information and directions for them to move to London for a year. There’s deceit, ghosts, love, and mystery. I loved this book!!!”

-Dawn W

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Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas

Book Review - The Ten Thousand Doors of January by Alix E. Harrow

“ I really love books that take place in our world, but not quite. It makes you wonder, “what if” and I have been known to love that feeling. What if there are secret doors placed all around our world that lead you to other worlds and other times? What if you could travel between them? This is a love story, an adventure, and a story of human bonds. It was very easy for me to get lost in it”

- Ashley G

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Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas

Book Review - Daring Greatly by Brene Brown

“ This was actually the first Brene Brown book I read, apparently I’m not worried about reading things in order. I learned so much about myself, about others, and really just about the world by reading this book. I kept telling people, “I feel like she has just been to the other side, has all the answers, and knows how we are all supposed to act!” Being vulnerable is what this book is all about, its daring because it’s terrifying. It’s something I’ve always struggled with. I would rather have a thousand walls up to keep me from getting hurt or feeling too much. Vulnerability is the key to life. It shapes us in every way, and after reading this book and applying it to my life as much as I can (it’s still a daily challenge for me) I know that it’s the way I want to live. Putting myself out there, taking risks, saying the things, to get to where I ultimately want to be! READ IT!!”


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Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas Books/Podcasts Whitney Thomas

Book Review - The Nightingale

“This is the first book I recommend to someone looking for something new to read! One of my clients, a fellow lover of WW2 era books, told me I absolutely had to read it. Each time she reads it she marks the date, since I rarely reread a book, I took that as a great sign! This book moved me. I cried many times, and for many different reasons. It finds a way to your heart and then through your heart. One friend I recommended it to sent me a late-night message saying she had to leave the room because she couldn’t pull herself together! It’s a tale of sisters, love, survival, and bonds that never break. The whole time I was reading I just kept thinking how good of a movie it would be, and I’ve heard rumors that this is happening! I can’t wait to watch it and cry my eyes out....again!”


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