Book Review - The Nightingale


The Nightingale, by Kristin Hannah is an incredible book. It's the first book I recommend to someone looking for something new to read! One of my clients, a fellow lover of WW2 era books, told me I absolutely had to read it. Each time she reads it she marks the date, since I rarely reread a book, I took that as a great sign! This book moved me. I cried many times, and for many different reasons. It finds a way to your heart and then through your heart. One friend I recommended it to sent me a late night message saying she had to leave the room because she couldn't pull herself together! It's a tale of sisters, love, survival, and bonds that never break. The whole time I was reading I just kept thinking how good of a movie it would be, and I've heard rumor that this is happening!I can't wait to watch it and cry my eyes out....again!

- Ashley G


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