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Monthly Favorites Whitney Thomas Monthly Favorites Whitney Thomas

Monthly Favorites - November

Thanksgiving dessert: not pumpkin pie… do cinnamon rolls count?

Side dish to make: homemade stuffing

Side dish to eat: Brussel sprouts, cream cheese corn, salad, the stuffing I made.. clearly I’m here for the sides!

How do you like your turkey: smoked or fried…as long as it’s not dry!

Parade yay or nay: yay! I like to have it on in the background as I cook!

Most thankful for: this could easily be a paragraph, but I’ll make it one thing. My kids, they are everything!

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Monthly Favorites Whitney Thomas Monthly Favorites Whitney Thomas

Monthly Favorites - October

Favorite fall flavor: cinnamon or maple 

Halloween Candy: I tend to take all the Kit-Kats from my kids

Fall activity: all of them, except for Halloween! 

Seasonal drink: salted caramel whiskey in my coffee 

Next read: Didn’t See That Coming by Rachel Hollis 

Candy Corn, yay or nay?: that would be a hell no. gross.

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